Sunday, March 29, 2009

I *heart* this little miss | Colorado Baby Photographer

You've met little Miss L on my blog before. And every session we've had I have enjoyed her and the time with her family. But when they came to visit this time I think she grabbed a much bigger piece of my heart!! She's one of my 'heart babies.' She was one of three babies we know who underwent heart surgery last year. She's a living miracle and I am proud to say I know her! (And her family!) :) Here she is....and I dare you to look at these pics and not walk away smiling....:) From the smiles to the pursed lips...she's cute from head to toe!!!


d d p h o t o g r a p h y said...

eeek i wanna squeeze her! sooo!

Brandi said...

what a little sweetie pie!!