Monday, February 2, 2009

Look at these eyes!!!! | Colorado Springs Photographer

Okay, let's start by saying this was a completely impromtu session, lasting less than 10 minutes, was SUPER easy, and from it I now have a few new favorites that are sure to be seen on the upcoming website!! A few friends from California stopped in to say hi. We got to meet little man B for the first time and I immediatly fell in love with these EYES!!! So, of course, I asked if they minded if I broke out the camera...B worked the camera like crazy.....and viola! We have these.....Thank you C&M!!! Come back to the best state ever so I can take more!!! :)


Anonymous said...

The last two shots are just adorable. It's like he's contemplating some mischief. :)

Brooke Bowland said...

eyes are right! wowzers. fantastic job kristi...that first one is great!

Brandi said...

Soooo cute!! Awesome job Kristi!